How to Do the Cobra Breathing Exercise

How to Do the Cobra Breathing Exercise

The cobra breath is a tantric breathing exercise. In essence, it is an energy-building breath. One uses breath to move kundalini energy up from the root chakra, at the base of the spine, to the crown chakra which lies at the crown of the head.The particular form cobra breath outlined below is used to expand consciousness, and it can lead to states of bliss and joy. Moving kundalini energy through the body is also rejuvenating for organs and aiding cellular processes. Follow the steps below to experience the cobra breath.


Sit on the edge of a chair, with the edge your buttocks resting on the seat. You may put your hands on your knees if desired.You can also sit with your back against the wall and use a pillow to support your lower back.


Press your tongue on the roof of your mouth. Squeeze your anal muscles, or perineum, and hold.


Breathe in. As you breathe in, first feel the energy come up from the base of your spine and up your spine. It should progress to the back of your head and around the top to the crown of your head. Keep your tongue pressed on the roof of the mouth, and make sure your anal muscles stay contracted.


As you breathe out, keep your tongue on the roof of your mouth.


Slowly, breathe out and make a hissing noise like a snake. Your facial muscles around your jaw and lips should be contracted, almost as if you are smiling, when breathing out.

Tips & Warnings

Pay attention to your body while doing the breath. Check in with yourself as you repeat the breath. If you are overwhelmed or feel dizzy, stop.

Do not combine the cobra breath with alcohol or any other mind-altering substances.

How to Do the Breath of Fire

How to Do the Breath of Fire

Cleansing the aura of energy blocks is one advantage to doing Breath of Fire, which is a breathing technique that aids in releasing kundalini energy. Some other health benefits include more effective waste removal and body detoxification by oxygenating blood, improved respiratory, digestive and nervous systems, more lung capacity, and increased energy. Do this breathing exercise in the morning to start the day with plenty of energy and a clear mind.

Things You'll Need:

Comfortable place to sit

Meditation pillow (optional)


Sit with your legs crossed, back and spine straight, and your shoulders down and pressed back. It may be helpful to use a meditation pillow for better posture.


Raise arms over your head in a Y position. Lock your elbows and extend the palms, but curl all of the fingers except the thumb down to the edge of the palm.


In this position, stick out your tongue and start pumping your stomach by making quick short breaths. The stomach inflates when inhaling and contracts toward the spine when exhaling. Do this for 1 to 3 minutes.


Finish by inhaling deeply and bringing the arms overhead, palms back-to-back. On an exhale, float the arms down.

Tips & Warnings

Beginners should start slow at 1 breath per second, and work up to 2 to 3 breaths.

Stop if you feel dizzy.

Not appropriate for pregnant women.

Do not practice during menstruation.

If you have vertigo, high blood pressure, heart disease, epilepsy, or have suffered a stroke, please practice with caution. Also, those who have acid or heat related gastric problems like ulcers, should practice with caution.

How to Do Stone Massage Therapy

How to Do Stone Massage Therapy

Hot stone massage therapy is a form of massage therapy using flat, heated stones. Follow these steps to perform hot stone massage therapy on your own.

Things You'll Need:



Massage table



Have the person you are doing the massage on undress, except for a towel.


Have them lay flat on their stomachs, preferably on a massage table.


Apply warm massage oil all over the person, and rub into the skin, relaxing their body for the stone therapy massage.


The stones should be immersed in water and then heated in a special electric heating device until needed. This should be within the same room so you have easier access to them when you need them.


Apply the hot stones to the persons back, gently gliding them over pressure points.


When the stones cool, remove them and massage the area with your hands. This will further relax the muscles.


Apply the stones to the rest of the patients body. They can be applied to the neck, shoulders, arms, hips, legs and feet. Again, after the stones have cooled, massage that area for further relaxation.


Have the patient roll over onto their back. Apply more stones to the front of the body.


Many massage therapists apply the stones to the palm of the patient's hands, as well as the soles of the feet and between the toes.


Stone massage therapy should last for at least half and hour, but can go for an hour or more for maximum benefits.

Tips & Warnings

Always check that the stones are not so hot that they will burn. Ask your patient to make you aware of any discomfort they are feeling.

Do not use stone massage therapy on persons with infectious skin diseases, open wounds or any rashes.

How to Do Simple Movement Meditation

How to Do Simple Movement Meditation

Movement meditation is a path to balance, inner strength and peace. This simple movement meditation is similar to a practice called latihan, in which one is guided by their inner impulses for movement. Latihan comes from the Indonesian term latihan kejiwaan, meaning "training of the inner self."There is no right or wrong way to do this meditation, as is it essentially an inner guidance practice where one connects to her divine intuition. The steps below can be done solo or with others.

Things You'll Need:

Quiet space with room to move freely

Music (optional)

A Simple Movement Meditation


Be sure to dress in clothing that allows for free movement. Start the music, if you wish. Begin standing, lying down, sitting, or in whatever position feels good to you.


Close your eyes. Focus your intent on connecting fully with your inner guidance.


Just wait. Notice any sensations in your body. Notice your breathing. If you are standing, you will notice that even though you are not initiating movement, your body may sway, your head may move, etc.


Follow any impulses for movement. For instance, if your body is rocking, allow it to rock. If you feel an impulse to raise your arms, do so.


If you feel any sensations in your body, connect a sound to them. You may hum, tone, or make any sound, as long as it is connected to the sensation. Express yourself freely, and continue to follow your impulses.Also, notice any thoughts that cross your mind. Allow them to be there. You might find that after a while, your mind becomes quiet.


Continue the meditation until you feel it is complete. With daily practice, you might find that your connection to your intuition becomes stronger and clearer!

Tips & Warnings

Don't try to make anything happen. This is a practice based on inner guidance, so let the movement come from within. So, if you are still for the meditation, that is ok. Even though you are still, you are breathing and many processes are going on inside your body, so movement is always happening.

How to Do Simple Meditation Breathing Exercise

How to Do Simple Meditation Breathing Exercise

When life becomes stressful, a simple routine of meditation breathing is an easy way to slow down and relax for a few minutes. It can be done anywhere and requires no special equipment. The only thing required is a desire to center the self.


Get comfortable. This may mean lying down, but often it only requires sitting comfortably with your hands in your lap. If you find your clothing too restrictive to stay comfortable, either loosen them or change them. A loose robe is sometimes worn while doing meditation breathing.


Keep your eyes closed and start to relax your body. Keep your back straight and all of your muscles relaxed. Avoid tensing up any parts of your body. Sit quietly for a few moments and let the stress of the day slide away. Ready yourself for deeper relaxation.


Take one deep breathe to cleanse your body of stress. Breathe out slowly, concentrating on keeping your body relaxed. Let your mind go blank, and forget about all of your current worries.


Breathe in deeply and breathe out slowly several times. Find a breathing pace that keeps you the most relaxed. Keep your breathing slow and steady for several minutes until your mind is free from worry and stress. Concentrate on nothing but your breathing. Continue the breathing exercises for as long as they are helpful.


Repeat these breathing exercises any time stress feels overwhelming. If you feel overwhelmed often, schedule a regular time for meditation breathing. Many people enjoy meditation breathing first thing in the morning or at the end of the day.

Tips & Warnings

Think of happy thoughts. The things that make you happy will free you of stress!

Never try to rush yourself into relaxation. Breathe deeply, and let it come to you.

How to Do Self-Treating Trigger Point Massage

How to Do Self-Treating Trigger Point Massage

A trigger point is a place where your muscles have knotted up. Because the muscles contract severely at these points, the pain from a trigger point can spread to the muscles around it and you can develop more trigger points if you don't treat them as they develop. Self-massage is an easy way to manage knotted muscles.


Locate your trigger points so you know where to massage. Usually, you're able to feel a trigger point just by moving your fingers along a muscle until you feel an especially taut area. Keep moving along this tightness until you find the spot that's especially tender to your touch. If you move over a recently developed trigger point, the muscle twitches, but chronic trigger points just feel tight.


Focus on a single pressure point at a time when you do your self-massage. This helps relieve the stress on related trigger points, making them easier to treat.


Feel your muscle to determine the direction of the fibers. If you can determine the direction, stroke the muscle in that direction with your fingertips or thumbs. Use short strokes down the entire length of the muscle, covering it just once. If you can't determine the direction, move to the next step.


Zero in on the trigger pain with a kneading, circular massage stroke. Use enough pressure that you experience mild discomfort in the muscle, but not so much that you experience real pain.


Leave the pressure point alone after you massage it with about twelve kneading strokes. Return to it later in the day, using the same massage process. Trigger points respond better to frequent treatment than they do to extended treatment.


Move on to the next trigger point if you have multiple ones that you want to treat with massage.

Tips & Warnings

General fatigue and stress can lead to trigger points. If you often develop trigger points unrelated to your physical activities, look for ways to increase relaxation in your life.

How to Relieve Stress Through Guided Imagery

How to Relieve Stress Through Guided Imagery

Those looking to relieve stress may find the solution in guided imagery. In this technique, a person imagines specific types of images to achieve positive mental, emotional or physical results. Guided imagery revolves around the theory that the mind can control the body. Therefore, if a person can relieve the mind of stress, the body will be relieved as well. Scientific evidence shows that guided imagery can cause some patients to relax their muscles.

Things You'll Need:


Computer with Internet access

Guided imagery practitioner

Learn About Guided Imagery


Know that guided imagery is not a new fad. It has been around since ancient times, when it was used to relieve pain, heal the body and cure diseases. It was believed that just having a strong image of sickness could create the symptoms within the body. Therefore, being exposed to positive, healthful images was paramount.


Get more information through a local guided imagery practitioner. You can find one by visiting the engine (see Resources below).


Learn more about the treatment, including history, procedures and concerns, at the Web site (see Resources below).

Guide Your Own Images to Relieve Stress


Find a place where you can be undisturbed for your session.


Use headphones or a stereo to play soothing sounds. You can use a purchased audio recording of a professional to aid you. Many Web sites provide you with a script to read. You may find that you prefer the sound of soothing music to the sound of voices. Feel free to follow your preference.


Think of the most relaxing place you would ever want to spend time. Really think of the details that surround this place. Hear the sounds. Feel the breeze. Smell the scent in the air.


Feel your muscles relaxing as you relieve your stress through the image in your mind.


Breathe deeply and steadily as you perform your guided imagery meditation.


Relax each part of your body, step by step. Start from the top of your head and work your way down to your feet, or start at your feet and work your way up.


'Tell' each part of your body to relax. (You can do this silently, through thought.) For instance, inhale as you think the words 'relax, relax,' then exhale as you think the words 'feet, relax.' Use the same technique on your ankles, calves and so on. It may sound silly, but it's intensely relaxing after a few minutes of practice.

Tips & Warnings

If you practice guided imagery by yourself, then the costs are virtually free. If you purchase aids like audio recordings or hire a practitioner, the cost will be inexpensive to moderate.

Never practice while driving or operating complex machinery.

Visit the emergency room or doctor if you have debilitating panic attacks, severe depression or thoughts of suicide.

Before you start any alternative medical technique, be aware that many have not been scientifically evaluated. Often, only limited information is available about their safety and effectiveness. Each state and discipline has its own rules about how alternative medicine practitioners are licensed. If you decide to visit one, choose one licensed by a recognized national organization. Consult your primary health care provider and keep your doctor informed about the alternative medical technique you undertake.