How to Do a Heart Cleanse

How to Do a Heart Cleanse

With increased public awareness about the harmful effects of high cholesterol, heart cleanses are becoming more prevalent. A heart cleanse combines herbal supplements, a healthy diet and an exercise regimen that focuses on cardiovascular health to help increase general well-being. Follow these steps to learn more.

Things You'll Need:


Computer with Internet access

Heart cleanse product

Nutritious food that is not high in saturated fat


Purified or distilled water

Plan Your Heart Cleanse


Decide upon the specific heart cleanse routine you want to do. There are many herbal and vitamin supplements, ranging from inexpensive to very expensive. Make your choice by shopping for heart cleanse products on shopping engines like (see Resources below).


Choose an exercise regimen that focuses on cardiovascular health, like walking or swimming or aerobics, during your heart cleanse. Learn more about cardiac health at the American Heart Association Web site (see Resources below).


Start your cleanse during a period where you're able to maintain your daily routines. Do it when you aren't too stressed by activities or obligations.


Take a multi-vitamin during your heart cleanse, preferably one that's made from all-natural ingredients that can be easily absorbed by your body.

Begin Your Heart Cleanse


Eat foods that are considered heart-healthy, like organic fruits and vegetables, whole grains, lean meat and fish, beans and legumes or any other foods that are wholesome and unprocessed.


Avoid foods that are high in fat, sugar, carbohydrates, sodium or are otherwise processed during your heart cleanse. Stay clear of foods containing high fructose corn syrup, saturated fats or hydrogenated oils. Also significantly reduce or eliminate alcohol and caffeine intake.


Drink at least 7 to 10 glasses, each 8 oz., of distilled or purified water every day.


Take supplements that can promote heart health, like CoQ10, hawthorne extract, Omega-3 oils, vitamin C, gugulipid, L-Carnitine, Taurine, astaxanthin and most anti-oxidant compounds.


Strive to continue many of the good habits you've learned during your heart cleanse long after you have stopped in order to maintain a healthy heart.

Tips & Warnings

Speak with your doctor about the benefits and hazards of performing a heart cleanse before you do one, especially if you take prescription medication or are being treated for a specific medical condition.

Be prepared to seek immediate medical help if side effects from the cleanse, including abdominal pain or diarrhea, become too severe.