How to Relieve Shoulder Pain Through Acupuncture

How to Relieve Shoulder Pain Through Acupuncture

Acupuncture is built on traditions found in ancient Chinese medicine. A patient who undergoes acupuncture therapy has his or her skin punctured with thin needles at various points, with the aim of fostering wellness. Acupuncture is believed to relieve a host of maladies, including constipation, high blood pressure, chronic fatigue and postpartum depression. It has also been used to relieve shoulder pain.

Things You'll Need:

Computer with Internet access for locating an acupuncturist in your area

Relieve Shoulder Pain Through Acupuncture


Understand the cause of shoulder pain. Acupuncture theory states that shoulder pain stems from the combined effects of repeated mechanical strain and mental stress.


Know what your treatment will entail. Acupuncture addresses both the mental and physical aspects of your shoulder pain. First, the mental component is addressed; typically, heat is applied through certain acupuncture meridians to boost circulation and promote relaxation. The physical component is addressed by inserting needles into the neck and shoulder muscles.


Find a qualified acupuncturist. Visit the Acufinder Web site to browse through listings of acupuncturists in your area (see Resources below).


Consider undergoing acupuncture training. If your shoulder pain tends to be chronic, you may need ongoing acupuncture treatment. Many people with chronic conditions find that self-treatment is a cost-effective and useful option when it comes to acupuncture care. By getting the necessary training, you'll be putting your health in your own hands. Visit the Acufinder Web site for a list of acupuncture teachers in your area.

Tips & Warnings

Acupuncture treatments range in cost from moderate to expensive. The rates paid tend to hinge on the experience and credentials of the practitioner. Location also plays a part in overall prices; acupuncture treatment is more expensive in some cities than in others.

If you're experiencing severe symptoms, such as sudden and prolonged loss or vision or speech, do not attempt to treat your condition with acupuncture. Instead, seek the care of a physician.

Do not attempt acupuncture self-treatment without adequate training and instruction.

Before you start any alternative medical technique, be aware that many have not been scientifically evaluated. Often, only limited information is available about their safety and effectiveness. Each state and each discipline has its own rules about how alternative medicine practitioners can be professionally licensed. If you decide to visit one, choose one licensed by a recognized national organization. Consult your primary health care provider about your decision first. Keep your doctor informed about the alternative medical technique you undertake.